Due to popular demand, Community Action Suffolk, Suffolk County Council’s External Funding team and local authority partners are teaming up to offer further pre-bookable online funding surgeries.
The one-hour surgeries will take place on Thursday 8th May between 1pm-5pm.
They are open to voluntary, community and social enterprises who need help reviewing their finances as a result of the Covid-19 emergency.
These one-to-one surgeries will be delivered by telephone/video link and can cover a range of topics related to:
- Identifying appropriate funding opportunities
- Carrying out bespoke grant searches
- Assistance with developing a project idea into a bid
- Support with writing your application
- Ensuring your application meets the needs of the funder
The session will last a maximum of one hour, allowing time to discuss your project in a little more depth with one of our officers.
If you would like to book an appointment, please visit the event page on Community Action Suffolk’s website.
If you cannot find a time that fits in with your way of working please email vcsesupport@communityactionsuffolk.org.uk to arrange an alternative time.
Please note that booking is essential and the events close for bookings two days prior to the event running.