Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
The Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Task Group has been set up to improve the life chances for marginalised adults and ensure Haverhill is a safe and supportive place to live.
Members include representatives from the police, Suffolk County Council, Havebury Housing and faith organisations.
While crime levels in Haverhill remain low and in the main part are reducing, residents of Haverhill perceive crime levels to be higher and fear crime more than other St Edmundsbury or Suffolk residents.
What are we planning to do?
ONE Haverhill Partnership is therefore proposing to focus attention on the following areas:
- Key worker for HMO tenants
- Substance misuse audit
- County lines – drug activity
What outcomes do we want to see?
- Residents of Houses in Multiple Occupation in Haverhill enjoying trouble-free and
sustainable tenancies. - Reduction in anti-social behaviour in Haverhill.
The ONE Haverhill Partnership Task Groups are set up to focus on key priorities within designated themes. Members of each task group work closely to achieve positive outcomes for the town.