ONE Haverhill Partnership board members
Jo Albini
Represents: Citizens Advice West Suffolk
About: Jo is Business Development Manager at Citizens Advice West Suffolk

John Burns
Represents: Haverhill Town Council
About: John has lived in Haverhill since 1988. At a young age he retired in 2013, having worked 38 years firstly as a navigating officer on ocean-going tankers before coming ashore working in the personnel and vessel operations arena for the same company. Since ‘retiring’, he has spent a great deal of his time and energy trying to ensure the people of Haverhill have a representative voice in important matters – working hard lobbying the various councils to take notice. In 2019, he was re-elected to both Haverhill Town Council and West Suffolk District Council having spent a year as a Suffolk county councillor in 2016/7. He has a strong social media presence and is often seen freely filming council meetings and local events for wide online circulation. John was named Mayor of Haverhill in May 2019 and spent two years in the prestigious role.
Bruce Davidson
Represents: Haverhill Town Council
About: Bruce is a Councillor on Haverhill Town Council and served as Mayor during the 2022-2023 administration year.
Rev'd Max Drinkwater
Represents: The Faith Sector.
About: Priest-in-charge, Haverhill and Withersfield

Philip Faircloth-Mutton
Represents: Suffolk County Council

Ian Gallin
Represents: West Suffolk Council
About: Ian Gallin is Chief Executive of West Suffolk Council. He has a first Degree in Economic Development and Planning and an MSc in Policy Studies. He has developed and led successful transformation programmes based on his change management ethos of ‘doing things differently’, and ‘getting the job done’. His approach focuses on the needs of communities and customers, not council processes.

Patrick Hanlon
Represents: West Suffolk Council
About: Pat has lived in Haverhill for the last 41 years. He has been a Councillor on Haverhill Town Council for the East Ward since 1998, but with a four-year gap, and Chair of the Planning Committee. He says it has been an honour to represent the people of Haverhill and for them to enjoy the council’s free entertainment. He founded the Haverhill Autism Support Group in 2009 and is also a Community Governor of the Churchill Special Free School and a committee member of Happy Faces Preschool.
Sarah Hedges
Represents: West Suffolk Community and Integrated Services
About: Sarah is the Integrated Transformation Lead at West Suffolk Community and Integrated Services.
Donna Higgins
Represents: West Suffolk Council

Inspector Ben Hollands
Represents: Suffolk Police
About: Inspector Ben Hollands is the Local Policing Commander for Haverhill and Sudbury

Andy Hunter - Chairman of ONE Haverhill Partnership
Represents: Unity Schools Partnership
About: Andy has been Headteacher at Samuel Ward Academy (a member of the Unity Schools Partnership) since January 2019. Andy has worked in education for more than 20 years and was previously Vice-Principal at Cromwell Community College in Chatteris.

Colin Poole
Represents: Haverhill Town Council
About: Colin is the Haverhill Town Clerk, based at the Arts Centre. As Town Clerk he is the principal officer of the Town Council advising elected members on legal, financial and procedural matters. Before working in Haverhill he was at Exmouth Town Council in Devon where he built partnerships involving community groups, businesses and other local authorities. His background is in community leadership, as a Parish Councillor for 10 years and as Chief Executive of a large voluntary sector organisation. Before moving to Suffolk 20 years ago, Colin worked at Watford CVS assisting start-up voluntary and charity groups and delivering training in charity management for the Directory of Social Change. He has a post-graduate diploma in voluntary sector management from the Cass Business School.

David Ruddy - Vice Chair of ONE Haverhill Partnership Board
Represents: West Suffolk College

David Roach
Represents: Suffolk County Council
About: David is the Suffolk County Council councillor representative on the board. He served as the town’s mayor for two years.
David’s passion is to ensure Haverhill has a voice at all levels of local government and the wider public sector domain.

Jacqui Singleton
Represents: Samuel Ward Academy
About: Jacqui is Work Related Learning Coordinator at Samuel Ward Academy

Andrew Smith
Represents: Havebury Housing
About: Andrew is Chief Executive of Havebury Housing. Andrew has worked in the housing sector for more than 26 years. He began his career as an architect working in London. He moved to Circle 33 Housing Trust in the early 1990s. From there, he took on many high profile roles, including Director of Property Services. Andrew was also the Executive Lead for Circle 33’s expansion into Cambridgeshire. Andrew became the Operations Director in 2000 for Oxford Citizens Housing Association. This later joined forces with Westlea Housing Association in 2008 and Oxbode Housing Association in 2012, becoming the GreenSquare Group.

David Smith
Represents: Haverhill Town Council
About: David is currently Mayor of Haverhill for the 2023-24 adminstrative year.

Warren Smyth
Represents: Abbeycroft Leisure
About: Warren is the Chief Executive of Abbeycroft Leisure, a not-for-profit company and registered charity focused on creating healthy, active communities. He has over 25 years experience of working in the sport and physical activity sector. Warren overseas the management of a diverse portfolio of facilities and services including traditional leisure centres, community use facilities, a health and wellbeing facility and corporate health and fitness provision , alongside an extensive Active Communities team and an outdoor pursuits service. Abbeycroft manages 19 facilities in 13 different communities and delivers a wide range of programmes and initiatives, generating in excess of £6 million of social value to the community each year.
Adelle Stopher
Represents: Public Health, Suffolk County Council
About: Adelle is the Place Programme Lead for West Suffolk.

Alex Till - Vice Chair of ONE Haverhill Partnership Board
Represents: MENTA

Lizzie Cocker
Represents: West Suffolk Council
About: Lizzi is a Family and Communities Officer for West Suffolk Council and locality officer for Haverhill. She has a specialism in Arts and Heritage and before working for Forest Heath District Council was a stage and production manager in London.
Andy Cuthbertson
Represents: Suffolk County Council

John Mayhew
Represents: Suffolk Chamber Of Commerce
About: John founded h.e.t. software in Haverhill in 1993 and, as Executive Chairman, grew it to a major software provider to the social care sector in the UK and Australia. Since 2012, and as Chairman, he backed Fiscale – a start-up professional practice offering specialist Research and Development tax credit advice to businesses on a no-win-no fee basis. John was a director of the Castle Partnership Academy Trust for three years and became vice-chair, providing advice on a review of governance and a wide range of commercial issues for the Trust. He is also currently a board member of West Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, part of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. He has been a board member of ONE Haverhill Partnership since its formation in 2012 and was elected chairman in September 2016.
Amanda Williams
Represents: National Literary Trust

Henry Wilson MBE
Represents: The Faith community
About: Henry is a native of Haverhill having grown up in town and attended Place Farm, Parkway and Castle Manor schools. He is probably best known for being a local photographer, first with the Haverhill Echo then as a freelancer. Henry officially ‘retired’ as a professional photographer in 2011 and now works full time as the Chief Executive for REACH Community Projects, a charitable organisation which seeks to help relieve poverty in and around Haverhill through projects such as Haverhill Foodbank, Furniture Bank, Christians Against Poverty and the Resource Centre. Henry is married to Angela and they have two grown up children. He is also a former Vice-Chairman of ONE Haverhill Partnership, part of the leadership team of River of Life Community Church, Community Governor at Clements School and a member of the Children’s Centre Advisory Board.

Daniel Pilley
Represents: Haverhill Chamber of Commerce
About: Originally from London, Dan moved to Haverhill in 1995. He worked at management level in the retail sector for a number of high profile businesses before opening retail shops in the town. He then set about building a large property portfolio, which led to opening the award-winning CXG Lettings in 2007. Nine years later, he opened Nine Jars Hotel, restaurant and cocktail bar.
Dan is also a board member of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and Heart of Haverhill, taking a key role in the future planning and strategy of Haverhill town centre.