Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan
The Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan is a document set out to help shape development in the town for the next 15 years.
The Masterplan – and Haverhill Vision 2031 – recognises the town centre as a key location, a focus for Haverhill and an asset for the whole community.
ONE Haverhill Partnership’s aspirations for the town centre is to help our town centre become:
- A place to live, work and play – a mixed use town centre which welcomes people, makes the most of existing attractions and adds to them so that people want to live, work, shop and relax in the town.
- Ready for growth – a centre which grows out from the High Street to provide the retail and other attractions an increasing population needs. A centre which is well promoted as part of the wider offer of the town.
- Connectivity – a centre which relates to the wider town, which traffic flows around, where access for deliveries and services has been planned and with well-sighted and attractive walking routes around the centre and from the car parks.
- An attractive environment – a town centre which develops its physical environment, celebrates its local heritage and encourages people to spend quality time in it.
Above all, the Masterplan is aspirational, sets out a clear direction for the future development of the town centre, but is also realistic, having regard to what is achieveable and, importantly, deliverable.
The Haverhill Town Centre Masterplan was adopted by St Edmundsbury Borough Council in September 2015.

The Masterplan Task Group has identified the following five workstream priorities:
1) Highways and movement – the delivery of highway improvements.
2) Marketing the plans – promoting Haverhill and marketing the specific sites included in the Masterplan.
3) Site assembly – gaining management of the specific sites as well as investing and influencing
4) Development briefs – from a planning perspective
5) Place management – for example, town centre work delivered by the town and borough councils
Did you know?
- In total, 353 written responses were received throughout the consultation.
- 141 written responses were received from phase two of the consultation – adding up to almost 26,000 words of text.
- 1,040 people were directly engaged throughout the consultation period.
- Digitally, there was a Facebook reach of 19,559 people and 15,327 total website hits.