OHP Business Plan 2020-23 V2.1

The ONE Haverhill Partnership Business Plan details our key areas of work up to the year 2023. It is an evolving document to reflect any changes in priorities and task groups.

This Business Plan sets out the current view of what could be achieved, as identified by our Board members, the organisations they represent and the community in Haverhill, through public

It is a living document, a work in progress. Essentially, we are a task and finish organisation. The projects we identify are mostly short and medium term and our objective is to hand over viable projects to statutory or other bodies.
The common denominator is to achieve outcomes that can be realised, rather than just talked about that, and to drive real change.

Over the next three years, priorities may shift, but the main focus and purpose of ONE Haverhill Partnership will remain.

* Please click on the link above to view our latest version.